Wednesday 30 September 2009

Wednesday 30th September

Today signifies the death of GS8-1 and GS8-2 but with the death of the 2 brands 1 new brand arose that is effectively called GS8-1.5.

From the chosen day forth we will now move together as 1 entity as the FMP has bought both groups together to create OUR game.

We collaborated with the other group and even managed to get some core details down such as characters, plot, locale and even how we want the game to move somewhat which isn't bad for a days work.

With the vast array of new abilities and ideas at our disposal one can only wonder where this will take us but one thing is for sure, it will lead to greatness

So bring it on!

Monday 28 September 2009

September 28th 2009

After 3D with Gin

Met up in the Café with the gang to decide on either getting the story or getting the main character down today.

The group decided to work on the main character who apparantly is going to look like Craig or the Persona 4 main character but is called John in tribute to former classmate John Glover.

John will be wielding a Cloud Strife-esque buster sword and his alligence is unknown at this time but the feeling is he could be an anti-hero as opposed to the typical hero.

Zool popped into my head as a good game concept so I will look into that for research.

Speaking of game concepts the symbol used in my game "Insignia" may make an appearance in some capacity though im not sure if it will be some cult or gang after the main character or if it will just be something like a key.

We are delving back into our individual game concepts now and should be coming together again on wednesday to pick the various elements that we like for each others work and try to mesh and fuse them into this game.

In the meantime im going to look up Zool...

Saturday 26 September 2009

September 26th 2009

Day Off

Kiwi has joined the blog and has uploaded more 2D side scroller's to the collection and also he has put some 2.5D games up there for us to look at.

Friday 25 September 2009

Friday 25th September 2009

Sound with Sarge.

A day off has done nothing to quell the excitement of the game everyone hasn't stopped thinking about the game, the verociraptors words to "step up" have resonated strongly with us and we are piecing together what will work in the game...

Games Engines with The Peg

Hmm... There is an aura of doubt about having to code this game in the sense it's all good having the ideas but if we can't tell the computer our desired thoughts then its all for nought.
But we are all eager and hungry and are willing to proceed as planned until stopped otherwise!

Furthermore today we had a proper sit down collab to start coming together to get down more initial thoughts.

The theme that was proposed today was a city theme where we can go into buildings and carry on the level in that fashion.

I recall numerous retro titles doing this so I will endevour to write my musings down when the blog goes live.

It's late now but the blog has gone live and I have laid out 5 retro games that are on the lines we are looking at these are...

Aladdin (MD)
Streets of Rage II (MD)
MJ's Moonwalker (Arcade/MD)
WWF Betrayal (GBC)
The Lion King (MD)

I can see what makes them good or bad in their own right and hopefully we will be able to analyse them properly and see their elements. Hopefully the group will deem my information useful and I can sit down and collab with them to highlight the goods and the bads personally.

Wednesday 23rd September 2009

Production Management Lesson.

The FMP has officially begun with thanks to the ongoing feud between 8-1 and 8-2, it was inevitable that it was going to be Vincent (Us) vs Micro-Age (Them)
The red ball with the gun vs the orange ball with the gun...

The 8-2 MUST prevail this time more than ever.

Alas I digress, We have decided on a 2D side-scroller with possible 3D elements taking inspiration from "Oboro Muramasa - The Demon Blade"

We are looking at elements that are core for example Special abilities, Environment interaction etc as well as setting and locale for example feudal Japan.

Everyone is stoked and eager to make this so...

Let the games begin...