Wednesday 28 October 2009

Wednesday 28th 2009


Just finishing off the 2nd edits on the character backstories and readying them for the pitch and design document respectively.

Still have to do Sebastian's edit and the mothers edit.

Adelia, Alexander and Raphael's 2nd edits are all complete and await the reviews of the project lead.

Wednesday 21 October 2009

Wednesday 21st October


We got LG220 for an hour straight after the seminar so with what members we had we bought together the week's work and had a collab.
We have got on the same page in terms of character direction and story and are now re-editing our ideas to comply with the new group mentality the phase I dub "2nd Edit"

With no artists in attendance the project is becoming unbalanced which isnt good for the looming design doc assignment or the project in general.

I uploaded a copy of my 1st edit work from last week on the dev blog just to help update people on where we are at.

Now begins the 2nd edits...

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Tuesday 20th October

Day Off

Just met up online with Ryan and Billy and we have ironed out the story and the characters and have began the 1st edit in general.

Documentation has been passed and recieved and we have been able to get feedback and give feedback on ideas and any work produced.

With Ryan working on the overview I must carry on implementing the new changes to the characters.

Will upload the finished edit tomorrow.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Wednesday 14th October

So GS8 was too big to fit under 1 project and instead have branched off back to 2 projects, no real surprise but hey it's not about that.

So now we return to being a smaller knit group a move that is sad yes but it's for the best.

Today we had a look at some concept sketches for the main character and the sword which were produced by GS8-1's Ryan.

I presented my work from the last week and as a result for the next week I will be carrying on with these backstories in preparation for assignment 11.1 as well as getting the design doc overview down with bRyan.

That's pretty much all for now.

Tuesday 13 October 2009

Tuesday 13th October

Just finished the first batch of 3 character designs for the main character and the 2 siblings and just to kill time I conjured some taglines, hopefully I'm not far off base but I guess we will see, but for now here's an electronic version of my work. Although art isn't going to be my area of expertise for this project I also included some pictures of characters I got my motivation from which I've detailed as well, also all the stats are 100% made up.

Name: Sebastian Aeuhert (Pronounced Au-Hare)(Used Wong from BAT2)
Height: 6ft 9in
Age: 39
Bloodtype: AB+
Weapon Name: “Saberhagen” (One Handed Broadsword)


Born into a noble bloodline Sebastian is the first and eldest son thus he is the rightful heir to the Auhert family name. As a young boy Sebastian grew up with the finest of what life had to offer him, the family servants would tend to his every whim and call at his mother’s behest, much to the chagrin of Sebastian’s father the great warrior Raphael Auhert.
Raphael was adamant that spoiling the young Sebastian was reversing his teachings of discipline and work which Sebastian was learning through combat and that this in turn would lead to the boy being blinded and unable to accept the world as it truly is, instead forever living in a fantasy world where only wealth and splendor exists.
Over time Sebastian’s feelings for his father changed to feelings of anger and eventually resentment over what his father was doing to his mother who was pregnant with their daughter Adelia, to him and to the family. But silently he found comfort in the fact that one day he would surpass his father and would make his mother proud.

Years passed and Sebastian learned from his mother that he was a brother again to a baby boy named Alexander.
Growing up Alexander was notably closer to his father, which made Sebastian’s relationship with his brother troubled, however Sebastian dismissed it as the boy did not know any better and eventually he will be forced to grow up and learn the truth. However as a result of this he often found himself spoiling Adelia who was growing up and becoming quite demanding of her big brother.

As time continued conflict in the family became worse and eventually led to Raphael leaving the Auhert family estate with Alexander .

After his parent’s split Sebastian watched his mother fall into a downward spiral of depression.
Along with Adelia he frequently spoke with his mother about the split and she confided in the two regarding the truth of their father, themselves and the Auhert family, She also made Sebastian promise that no matter what happens he would take care of his sister Adelia.

Now at the age of 39 Sebastian is the head of the Auhert family and is the epitome of law, order and justice, he has a deep set loathing of people who fail to uphold these basic principles and also resents anything or anyone that would dare tell him otherwise. As the eldest sibling his mother wrote in her will that the great sword “Agnedynestra” is to be passed onto him upon her passing.
Time passed and inevitably the time came for the sword to be bestowed upon Sebastian, however when Sebastian went with Adelia to the family vault to retrieve what was rightfully his, he was shocked to discover that Agnedynestra had been stolen.
Enraged that the sword was gone Sebastian pondered alone in his quarters as to how this could have happened; he worked tirelessly to form a conclusion as to how it happened, but it wasn’t until Adelia checked on her older brother and asked him “Who knew where the vault was?” and “Who knew about the sword?” that the answer was clear as crystal.
Realising this and with chuckle Sebastian said, “My dear baby brother…”
With this knowledge Sebastian along with Adelia began to plan how to retrieve the sword and their brother at any cost.

Name: Adelia Aeuhert (Amy from Soul Cal IV)
Height: 5ft 3in
Age: 27
Bloodtype: AB+
Weapon Names: “Aurelio” & “Voletta” (Daggers)


The second born into the Auhert family, Adelia is very smart to for her age and has an IQ around 200 points.
From birth she has spoilt by her older brother Sebastian who would do anything to keep her appeased and as a result she has become very demanding of her brother.
In one of her demands Adelia stated she wanted to also be trained in a weapon style like her brother but unlike him she wants a style that makes her look enchanting and elegant as well as being lethal to which Sebastian agrees to train her in an art of her choosing.
Deep down beneath the spoilt girl exterior she respects Sebastian because of his loyalty to her and their mother unlike Alexander who in her eyes is nothing more than a “Betrayer” for going along with their father’s way of thinking and denouncing them entirely
After the two left she noticed her brother was talking more in private with their mother, catching on that something wasn’t right she again demanded that her brother take her with him to one of these chats, though reluctant Sebastian accepted that she should know the truth and that nothing should be hidden away from her.
After learning the truth from her mother Adelia spent her days continuing her training and ordering her brother about, however she did have a new found respect and appreciation for her mother and swore to herself she would be like her.
It wasn’t until her mother passed that she really began to change, with her brother now as the head of the family and becoming the new wielder of “Agnedynestra” she began to contemplate how she could now use her brother’s influence as a means to get others to do things for her while also still having leverage on her brother. The concept was something that appealed to Adelia very much just as much as something else she had been thinking about…

When the day came for her brother to acquire the sword she accompanied him to the family vault to watch him claim it as his own but like her brother she was also disgruntled when she found it wasn’t there.
No sword meant no control and no control meant no sword, growing more agitated by the second she ordered her brother to find the one responsible.
In the days after the theft she began to formulate how this theft was possible until one night while she was trying to sleep she worked it out, it had to be there was no one else…
She rushed to her brother’s quarters to find him still trying to work out the problem at his desk.
She walked up behind her brother in a rare moment of affection hugged him.
She whispered something to him and suddenly everything fell back into place.
The control, her brothers, the sword they could all be hers…
With that she began to plan with Sebastian how they could get revenge and reclaim the sword.

Name: Alexander “Alex” Aeuhert (Zero from Psychic Academy)
Height: 6ft 2in
Age: 20
Bloodtype: O-
Weapon Name: Agnedynestra (2 Handed Greatsword)


The youngest son of the great warrior Raphael Aeuhert, unlike his siblings Alexander grew up with his father and denounced the noble life of wealth and splendor in favor of training with his father since he didn’t want to ride the coat-tails of his father’s success instead opting to carve his own legacy and path.
This was noted by the other siblings who in turn had nothing really to do with him as a result since they were both closer to their mother.
It wasn’t until a fight between his parents occurred and his father ended up leaving that Alexander was forced to make a life changing decision stay with his siblings and mother or leave with his father. The decision was an easy one, Alexander knew that if he stayed he possibly would be pried upon and so he left with his father.
Over the next few years Alexander trained using his father style eventually becoming a formidable warrior like his father was.
However Raphael was unwell and with every passing the day life ebbed and flowed out of the once mighty warrior.
Sensing that the end was near Raphael called Alexander to tell him the truth about the sword and about the great task he had to undertake.

“My son, you will be the true wielder of Agnedynestra, the sword resonates with your soul unlike the others therefore you must steal it from them before it’s too late and it falls into the wrong hands”
Those words stuck with Alexander like a bad itch but he knew what needed to be done the question was when?
Then one night under the veil of darkness he returned home for the first time in years and while avoiding detection he successfully managed to steal the greatsword from the family vault.
Energy pulsed through Alexander as he held the hilt of the sword, now with the power that his father spoke of Alexander escaped into the night and became the new custodian of Agnedynestra. Now all he needed to do was hold onto it even if it meant fighting his own family…

Saturday 10 October 2009

This Week in Review.

Morale is low this week which isn't a good thing so I'm cutting it short this week. Gin and Chris have both dropped some knowledge onto our brains this week using our game as the basis for their lessons for example in programming we need to do things like set character jump height to variable x using certain codes while in 3D we discussed general creation of certain items that we will need in the game including characters.

Wednesday 7th

1.) The factions have been decided with the group being split into Art,Story,Programmers and Research. I am in the Story group

2.) We nailed down the plot and characters who have yet to be named. we have seen segments of the movie "The Avenging Fist" which has a similar concept to our games plot, going to prepare some backstories for next week.

Thursday 8th
Spoke with Ryan Henson and Kieron about the plot and from the story group we updated Kieron on what we have got as well as taken new ideas. However due to problems this was hindered slightly.

Friday 9th
See opening paragraph.

Not a good week in terms of productivity, Hopefully come monday's lesson with Gin we will be re-invigorated and ready to progress once more. To give in to all the doubt and negativity now would effectively seal the proverbial casket shut.

As a great man once said "In a world full of winners and losers, "Insert value here" men have risen above to bring you... "Insert Title Here"