Saturday 10 October 2009

This Week in Review.

Morale is low this week which isn't a good thing so I'm cutting it short this week. Gin and Chris have both dropped some knowledge onto our brains this week using our game as the basis for their lessons for example in programming we need to do things like set character jump height to variable x using certain codes while in 3D we discussed general creation of certain items that we will need in the game including characters.

Wednesday 7th

1.) The factions have been decided with the group being split into Art,Story,Programmers and Research. I am in the Story group

2.) We nailed down the plot and characters who have yet to be named. we have seen segments of the movie "The Avenging Fist" which has a similar concept to our games plot, going to prepare some backstories for next week.

Thursday 8th
Spoke with Ryan Henson and Kieron about the plot and from the story group we updated Kieron on what we have got as well as taken new ideas. However due to problems this was hindered slightly.

Friday 9th
See opening paragraph.

Not a good week in terms of productivity, Hopefully come monday's lesson with Gin we will be re-invigorated and ready to progress once more. To give in to all the doubt and negativity now would effectively seal the proverbial casket shut.

As a great man once said "In a world full of winners and losers, "Insert value here" men have risen above to bring you... "Insert Title Here"

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