Wednesday 14 July 2010

Wednesday July 14th Part 1

Winding down now, just aiming to get the FMP finished and completed by any means.

As a result of this the decision has been made to drop all the extra content (2nd trailer, Adelia Mode and Character bios) due to time constraints and internal problems.

However all the bugs seem to be fixed and the game is at a state of "completion".

So with all this in mind here is the 100% finished and decided on Characters, Story and Dialogue.


The Younger Sister:

Name: Adelia Aeuhert
Height: 5ft 3in
Age: 27
Bloodtype: AB+
Weapon Names: “Aurelio” & “Voletta” (Daggers)


The second born into the Aeuhert family, Adelia is very smart to for her age and has an IQ around 200 points.
From birth she has spoilt by her older brother Sebastian who would do anything to keep her appeased and as a result of this she has become very demanding of her brother.
In one of her demands Adelia stated she wanted to also be trained in a weapon style like her brother but unlike him she wanted a style that makes her look enchanting and elegant as well as being lethal, to which Sebastian agrees to train her in an art of her choosing.
Deep down beneath the spoilt girl exterior she respects Sebastian because of his loyalty to her and their mother unlike Alexander who in her eyes is nothing more than a “Betrayer” for going along with their father’s way of thinking and denouncing them entirely
After the two left she noticed her brother was talking more in private with their mother, catching on that something wasn’t right she again demanded that her brother take her with him to one of these chats, though reluctant Sebastian accepted that she should know the truth and that nothing should be hidden away from her.
After learning the truth from her mother Adelia spent her days continuing her training and ordering her brother about, however she did have a new found respect and appreciation for her mother and swore to herself she would be like her.
It wasn’t until her mother passed that she really began to change, Adelia struggled to come to terms with the loss and in fact blamed Alexander for their mothers death.
But through her sadness she realized her brother was now the head of the family and would soon become the new wielder of “Agnidynestra”.
Suddenly life wasn’t so bad she began to contemplate how she could now use her brother’s influence as a means to get others to do things for her while also still having leverage on her brother. The concept was something that appealed to Adelia very much just as much as some other things she had been thinking about…

That was until Alexander acquired Agnidynestra from his father and ruined her own hopes and plans.

No sword meant no control and no control meant no sword, this fact caused Adelia to become more agitated with each passing moment and with the sword even further away from her reach Adelia joins her brother in the search for the sword and Alexander.

The Youngest:

Name: Alexander “Alex” Aeuhert
Height: 6ft 2in
Age: 20
Bloodtype: O-
Weapon Name: Agnidynestra (2 Handed Greatsword)


The youngest son of the great warrior Raphael Aeuhert, unlike his siblings Alexander grew up with his father and denounced the noble life of wealth and splendor in favor of training with his father since he didn’t want to ride the coat-tails of his father’s success instead opting to carve his own legacy and path.
This was noted by the other siblings who in turn had nothing really to do with him as a result since they were both closer to their mother.
It wasn’t until a fight between his parents occurred and his father ended up leaving that Alexander was forced to make a life changing decision, either stay with his siblings and mother or leave with his father. The decision was an easy one, Alexander knew that if he stayed he possibly would be pried upon and so he left with his father.
Over the next few years Alexander trained using his father’s style eventually becoming a formidable warrior like his father was.
However Raphael was unwell and with every passing day life ebbed and flowed out of the once mighty warrior.
Sensing that the end was near Raphael called Alexander to tell him the truth about the sword and about the great task he had to undertake.
Alexander knew what needed to be done the question was when?

Unfortunately for Alexander that time came sooner than he anticipated…

Now with the power that his father spoke of in his possession all he needed to do was hold onto it even if it meant fighting his own family, An event that he knew was only a matter of time…

The Eldest:

Name: Sebastian Aeuhert
Height: 6ft 9in
Age: 39
Bloodtype: AB+
Weapon Name: “Saberhagen” (One Handed Broadsword)


Born into a noble bloodline Sebastian is the first and eldest son and thus he is the rightful heir to the Aeuhert family name. As a young boy Sebastian grew up with the finest of what life had to offer him, the family servants would tend to his every whim and call at his mother’s behest, much to the chagrin of Sebastian’s father the great warrior Raphael Aeuhert.
Raphael was adamant that spoiling the young Sebastian was reversing his teachings of discipline and work which Sebastian was learning through combat and that this in turn would lead to the boy being blinded and unable to accept the world as it truly is, instead forever living in a fantasy world where only wealth and splendor exists.
Over time Sebastian’s feelings for his father changed to feelings of anger and eventually resentment over what his father was doing to his mother who was pregnant with their daughter Adelia, to him and to the family. But silently he found comfort in the fact that one day he would surpass his father and would make his mother proud.

Years passed and Sebastian learned from his mother that he was a brother again to a baby boy named Alexander.
Growing up Alexander was notably closer to his father, which made Sebastian’s relationship with his brother troubled, however Sebastian dismissed it as the boy did not know any better and eventually he will be forced to grow up and learn the truth. However as a result of this he often found himself spoiling Adelia who was growing up and becoming quite demanding of her big brother.

As time continued conflict in the family became worse and eventually led to Raphael leaving the Aeuhert family estate with Alexander .

After his parent’s split Sebastian watched his mother fall into a downward spiral of depression.
Along with Adelia he frequently spoke with his mother about the split and she confided in the two regarding the truth of their father, themselves and the Aeuhert family, She also made Sebastian promise that no matter what happens he would take care of his sister Adelia.

Now at the age of 39 Sebastian is the head of the Aeuhert family and is the epitome of law, order and justice, he has a deep set loathing of people who fail to uphold these basic principles and also resents anything or anyone that would dare tell him otherwise. As the eldest sibling his mother wrote in her note that the great sword “Agnidynestra” is to be passed onto him upon both her and Raphael’s passing.

Inevitably the time came for the sword to be bestowed upon Sebastian, however he was shocked to find that the sword was not in the place stated by his mother

Enraged and with no time to lose Sebastian returned to the house and managed to locate the sword however it was in the hands of Alexander.

Sebastian and the family security were unable to stop Alexander from escaping but he remained persistent in trying to find him.

He was soon stopped by Adelia who insisted they needed to plan before they went after him and although reluctant to just let Alexander get further away, Sebastian along with Adelia began to plan how to retrieve the sword and their brother by any means necessary.

The Mother

Name: Lady Talisa Aeuhert (Deceased)
Height: ??
Age: ??
Bloodtype: ??


Lady Talisa is the wife of the champion Raphael Aeuhert, she enjoys the wealth and fame of being the champion’s wife, regrettably this lifestyle soon got Talisa she turned from a once loving wife into a corrupt baroness driven by wealth and power.
She didn’t display this side to her son Sebastian however, instead choosing to lavish him with whatever he wished.
This did not sit well with Raphael who was strongly against spoiling the boy and the two would often argue about the matter.
Years later after the birth of the couple’s second child Adelia, Lady Talisa’s lust for power became too much for Raphael to bear any longer which prompted his swift departure from the family.
The premise of losing everything was something that lingered in Talisa’s mind and she was not about to let that happen, the mix of anger, sadness and corruption coursed through her arguably rendering her insane.
She quietly schemed to use her own children as instruments of revenge against Raphael.
Over the years her venomous words seeped into the minds of her two children, by playing the role of a victim crushed by husband she was able to manipulate them, causing them to harbour deep resentment towards their father while somewhat pledging undeniable loyalty to her.
Everything seemed to fall in place quite nicely until the fateful day when Raphael would return back to them with his new son Alexander…
Seeing this as another opportunity to turn another mind against Raphael she welcomed them.
Again on the exterior she posed as the nicer parent and tried exactly what she did before all while surpressing her seething rage for the boy.
This time however it was not working since.the boy was having none of it, this further enraged Talisa who in turn told Adelia and Sebastian of the boys ungratefulness and cold demeanour towards her which as she anticipated led up to them also becoming cold towards Alexander just like they were their father.
With all the pieces of the puzzle nicely in place Talisa continues her mission of revenge against both Alexander and her husband.

The Father:

Name: Raphael Aeuhert
Height: 7ft 0in
Age: ??
Bloodtype: ??
Weapon Name: Formerly Agnidynestra


Once a noble hero and champion, Raphael Aeuhert was the driving force behind many great battles and wars, his aptitude is battle was unparalleled and the love of his family even more than that, whenever he left for battle he always made the promise to his family to return home safely no matter what trials awaited him wherever he was needed.
Time had passed since those days and now Raphael found himself to be dying of a slow de-generative disease.
Death did not phase or scare Raphael, he knew that in battle there was always a chance that he wouldn’t make it back alive but he did find comfort that his legacy would live on…

In the years before his illness Raphael was known to all as a hero, he had a wife and a son that loved him and he had a daughter on the way.

So where did it all go wrong?

The wealthy, majestic lifestyle seemed to turn his once loving wife into a corrupt, power-mad woman, this change did not go unnoticed by Raphael but it wasn’t until his son Sebastian was becoming spoilt that he felt it was time to intervene.

For years arguments continued to erupt about the boy and soon his sister to the point Raphael deemed it for the best if he were to leave them awhile.

During that time Raphael found himself in the company of another woman who didn’t seem too phased by his wealth or standing, instead she just loved him.
Time continued to pass and Raphael soon found himself with yet another son called Alexander.

Raphael loved his son but he was saddened he had allowed himself to cheat on his family but that wasn’t Alexanders fault so he knew he would just have to face the consequences for his actions. In due course he returned to his family to introduce them to Alexander a move that started off seemingly well considering what happened.

But the cracks soon starting showing again as old ways returned and now with Sebastian and Adelia appearing to be controlled by his mothers influence.

Sensing that his death was imminent Raphael entrusts his greatsword Agnidynestra to Alexander and tells him to escape from the house and never let Adelia or Sebastian near the sword.

Ren'Ai Exclusive Characters


Age: 18


Sylvie is the newest maid to work at the Aeuhert Estate; she is extremely kind and warm to everyone regardless of their attitude towards her.
Little is known about Sylvie’s background apart from the small mention that her current placement at the Aeuhert family home was a “personal favour” to her family by the Head Maid, although the extent of The Head Maid’s previous involvement with her family is unknown.
Sylvie also seems to be quite fond of the Aeuhert family’s second son Alexander.

The Head Maid

Age: Refuses to disclose


Her real name and background are a mystery since she has been at the Aeuhert Estate longer than any of the other maids or servants who work there; she never formally introduces herself to anyone although it is suspected that only Lady Talisia and Lord Raphael know her real name and background.
The head maid’s temperament is authoritative and cold to all, however when any of the Aeuhert Family are in the immediate vicinity her composure radically changes into a warm and friendly (but in some instances still authoritative) figure.
She has also been known to become extremely passive when she is in the presence of Lady Talisia.


Age: 20


Leonardo is a servant who works with Sylvie and The Head Maid at the estate, he is shy and reserved but is friendly to everyone.
Leonardo has been working at the estate for a good number of years although not as long as The Head Maid.
He is in love with Sylvie although he doesn’t have the confidence to speak to her alone and as a result he unknowingly finds himself in a love triangle with Sylvie and Alexander.

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